What We Do?

Capacity Building

Capacity building is about enhancing skills, knowledge, and resources for effective goal achievement.


Advocacy supports causes to influence change.

Awareness Sessions / Study Circles

Awareness sessions and study circles share information and foster discussions on specific topics.

Outreach and Networking

Outreach and networking are crucial elements in various aspects of professional and personal life.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are essential components of any program or project management cycle.

Research, Analysis, and Publications

Research, analysis, and publications are integral components of academic, professional, and even personal development.

Training and Development

Training and development are essential components for individual and organizational growth.

Who We Are

The Just Awareness Consultants (JAC) was established in 2023 as a profitable organization. The initiative was led by a few renowned human rights and gender rights activists.

Program Areas

Social Sector Development

Social sector development enhances well-being by addressing social issues and fostering positive change.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development meets present needs without compromising future generations.

Women Empowerment

Empowering women includes enabling full participation, ensuring equal rights, and combating discrimination.

Child and Gender Issues

Child and gender issues involve well-being, rights, and gender equality.

Poverty Eradication

Poverty eradication tackles root causes for sustainable development.